Smart Grids and energy storage solutions

Credits: Federico Beccari©

What is the Bridge initiative?

BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative that unites Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe smart grid, energy storage, islands, and digitalization projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues of importance in the demonstration of Smart Grids and energy storage solutions. The initiative takes the form of a cooperation group involving selected EC funded projects in these domains. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, BRIDGE aims to accelerate the deployment of innovative technologies and contribute to a sustainable energy future. The BRIDGE initiative is dedicated to driving progress through collaborative efforts and active discussions.

Different types of stakeholders are participating through their project in the BRIDGE initiative: Regulated actors such as TSOs and DSOs;  National Regulatory Authorities; Consumers include residential, professional and industrial consumers, as well as cities acting as consumers in projects; Local Energy Communities; Power technology, storage and ICT providers; Energy Suppliers including power generators, retailers, energy service companies (ESCOs) acting in the competitive energy market; Aggregators as market participants combining multiple customer loads or generated electricity for sale, for purchase or auction in any organised energy market; Market operators; Research & Innovation stakeholders[1].

A structured view of cross-cutting issues typically encountered in the R&I projects is proposed though activities led by different Working Groups representing the main areas of interest: Data management; Business models; Regulation; Consumer and Citizen engagement. Each Working Group regularly publishes the reports of their activity.


The case studies developed by Dowel Innovation for the Bridge initiative

DOWEL Innovation was involved in the secretariat of the initiative until recently and has among other responsibilities[2] to carry out synthesis on transversal topics common to several projects and various Working Groups. Objective of these case studies was to express in the most factual way the “voice of the Bridge projects” based on their individual outcomes.

Eight case studies are accessible and cover the following domains:

  • Case study #1: Unleash the potential and value of power system flexibilities
  • Case study #2: Vehicle-to-Grid to support grid stability and RES integration
  • Case study #3: Battery Energy Storage Systems to support the large-scale integration of renewable energy
  • Case study #4: TSO – DSO Cooperation
  • Case study #5: Energy Communities: tools to build them and make them thrive
  • Case study #6: Improving the cybersecurity and resilience of the Electrical Power and Energy System.
  • Case study #7: Multi-energy planning and digitalisation to support decarbonising energy islands.
  • Case study #8: Lessons learnt to facilitate citizen engagement in future research projects.


The methodology developed by Dowel

The elaboration of these case studies required a methodology for identifying projects according to their knowledgeability, timeline and availability of results, while complying to their own exploitation constraints. The methodology involved then data collection and analysis of available Key Exploitable Results produced by the projects, of the related deliverables and interviews with the Bridge project representative. The drafting followed a common template built upon three building blocks capturing the value created by the projects, a final section focusing on the key take aways taking the form of documented ‘facts & figures’.


The eight case studies are accessible here:




[1] For more details on Bridge initiative: ;  Home | Bridge (


[2] Another task assigned to DOWEL Innovation by ZABALA leading the secretariat activity was the assessment and analysis of consolidated EU project results. The assessment was performed based on the objectives and expected impacts of the call for which they have been awarded. It led to an internal report for the EC.