We are proud craftsmen:
each of our assignments is tailor-made to suit your needs and profile – whether you’re an SME, a major corporation, a research centre, an industry federation or a public body.
Our offer covers 4 types of service:

R&D roadmaps
Need to (re)define your organization’s R&D strategy?
We can help you:
- Analyse the strategic environment and its evolution, as well as the associated opportunities and challenges,
- Involve and commit your teams around a shared vision, clear and realistic objectives, and effective action plans.
Our expertise covers both sector roadmaps (driven by public agencies or industry federations) and the deployment of strategies by individual organizations (companies, research centres).
Our strengths: extensive experience in carrying out state-of-the-art studies (technological, as well as political and regulatory) and proven collaborative creation processes.

Setting up and financing R&D projects

Are you looking for funding and/or partners for your innovation project?
We can help you with
- Monitoring research programs likely to co-finance your project, whether at French or European level,
- Setting up a consortium and drafting a proposal to respond to an identified call either national (Programme Investissement d’Avenir) or European (Horizon Europe, LIFE, Innovation Fund),
- Managing the project once it has been financed by the public authorities, in compliance with all the contractual, administrative, and financial rules imposed by them.
Our strengths: extensive experience in collaborative projects, a team of consultants with varied profiles, and an extensive European network as a pool of potential partners.

Co-design and dissemination
Are you looking for a partner to lead communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities?
We are experts in the promotion and valorisation of research results, and implement co-design methods to foster the adoption of innovations. Our services include:
- Project communication and dissemination: from strategy definition to website creation, webinars, synthesis of project results and organization of large-scale events,
- Co-design: implementing participative methods to maximize the involvement of all stakeholders, and ensure that the innovation matches real needs,
- Drawing up a plan for exploiting the results, taking into account regulatory contexts and intellectual property strategies.
Our strengths: modern scientific communication methods such as data visualisation, and close links with industry associations and technology platforms in our target sectors.

Technical and economic analyses

Under what conditions will your innovation be profitable?
We identify and analyse for you all the factors and parameters necessary to your innovation’s success, from technical and economic data to the legal and regulatory framework. We draw up:
- The business model for exploiting your innovation, and analysis of profitability factors,
- The business plan to estimate financing needs and convince investors,
- The analysis of the legal and regulatory framework, a source of both constraints and opportunities.
Our strengths: a scientific approach to the evaluation methods we use, and a multi-disciplinary team covering both technical and regulatory aspects.