The POSYTYF project is a research and innovation project funded by the EC, that explored the concept of Dynamic Virtual Power Plant.

It starts from the observation that integrating more and more renewable energy sources in power systems make it more and more difficult to ensure their stability, i.e. their ability to maintain steady operation and quickly return to normal conditions after a disturbance.

However, all renewable energy sources are not equivalent: some are dispatchable, i.e. they can be controlled and adjusted to match electricity demand, thus supporting the system’s stability (like solar thermal or hydropower plants), while some others can’t (photovoltaics, wind power).

The Dynamic Virtual Power Plant concept investigates how both dispatchable and non-dispatchable renewable energy sources can be combined to allow integrating more of these energy sources into the power networks, while ensuring their stability.

Under the coordination of Ecole Centrale Nantes, POSYTYF gathered research laboratories and electricity network operators to design new principles and rules to operate renewable energy sources in a manner that is both economically viable and favourable to the power system’s stability.

In this project, DOWEL led the activities related to the dissemination and exploitation of the knowledge and tools produced by the partners. The most illustrative result of these activities in the final project brochure, that synthesises the main findings of the project and their impact for the sector.

The brochure includes:

  • an introduction on the project and consortium, and the research challenges addressed
  • a synthetic overview of the projects’ results and a more detailed presentation of the key findings
  • an analysis of the project’s impact for research and industry.

The document also includes references to all the deliverables and publications available.


Download the POSYTYF brochure here.